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Hydrokinetotherapy is the set of physical exercises carried out in water to improve and/or recover the condition of patients with ailments of various etiologies. Exercising in warm water has many benefits: Stimulates muscle relaxation Reduces sensitivity to pain Reduces muscle spasm Increases the range of motion in the joints Increases muscle strength and endurance It reduces the gravitational force It intensifies the superficial circulation It stimulates the activity of the respiratory muscles Improves proprioception, balance and stability Stimulates self-esteem
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IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) is a relatively new form of treatment that includes several techniques for mobilizing soft tissues, namely the fascia with different steel instruments. Fascia is a membrane that forms inside the human body with the role of binding, covering and separating muscles and internal organs. IASTM encompasses several soft tissue mobilization techniques aimed at treating myofascial restrictions to reduce pain. IASTM has countless benefits: Improves long-term local blood and lymphatic circulation It regulates the level of collagen, which speeds up the healing process It reduces the...
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Ultrasound therapy or "deep vibrations" aims to change the temperature inside the tissue to increase blood circulation and cellular metabolism, having an analgesic, antiedematous, muscle relaxant, hyperemic, resorptive and anti-inflammatory effect. Electrotherapy uses electrical signals that interfere with the flow of pain neurotransmitters to the brain. In this way the message from the nerve to the brain is modified. Electrotherapy can have an analgesic, muscle relaxant, trophic, antiedematous, hyperemic and vasodilator effect. Laser therapy is therapy that uses concentrated light to promote and accelerate the body's...
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Physical therapy is defined as movement therapy carried out through special medical gymnastics programs, with the aim of restoring diminished or lost functions as well as increasing the functional level in various ailments or after operations. Physiotherapy helps in treating the following conditions of the locomotor system: Orthopedic and posttraumatic Rheumatic: spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, degenerative rheumatism, soft tissue rheumatism Neurological: cerebrovascular accidents, spinal trauma, degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, neurological syndromes Diseases of the cardiovascular...
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It is done by applying an elastic cotton band provided with a hypoallergenic adhesive in order to support physiological movement to activate the body's self-healing process. By applying the tapes correctly using different techniques, numerous benefits are obtained: Pain relief Improving muscle function by regulating muscle tone Supporting joint function: proprioceptive neuromuscular stimulation, influencing the position of the joints, influencing the direction of movement, increasing stability Reducing bruising
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Massage is a natural method of muscle maintenance or healing by stimulating and relaxing them. Massage has many benefits: Relapse of stress Muscle relaxation Improvement of circulation Increase of immunity Correction of vicious postures Reduction of muscle pains Increase of joint flexibility The relaxation massage supports the body to regain its general state of well-being, as well as the balance of the nervous system. Therapeutic massage is recommended for existing pain in different areas of our body. The anti-cellulite massage aims to eliminate fat deposits to make us feel better. The Trigger Points...
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It is a risk-free natural treatment that has its origins in oriental medical translations. Cupping therapy helps to strengthen and activate the body's self-healing function when it is slowed down. Benefits of cupping therapy: It helps myofascial relaxation of the whole body Stimulates blood oxygenation and detoxification Improves muscular and fascial metabolism Increases the range of motion It improves the lymphatic and blood circulation It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
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Medical consultations are done every Thursday starting at 3 p.m. by appointment by Dr. Pîrvu Oana Cristina - medical rehabilitation specialist! Physiotherapists: Jurca Alexandra Mirea Roxana Bubanszki Andreea    
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It is a technique for athletes. With this method, a strong compression of the tissues is made, respectively the fluid circuit in the body is interrupted for a very short period of time (blood flow, lymphatic fluid and extracellular fluid) with the help of a latex band specially designed for this treatment method. When the band is removed and the compression is released, the whole area is "flooded" again with liquids, which leads to a regeneration of the body. The main objectives of this technique are: Improved mobility Pain reduction Improving the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments Reduction of muscle tension Increasing...
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The absence of one or more teeth is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a concern in terms of damage to chewing skills. For this reason, their replacement should be done as soon as possible, using alternative methods. Replacement can be done through bridges or plants. In other cases, when the tooth presents extensive crown damage, replacement can be done using a pinlay and case. Tooth replacement alternatives are provided through: Kellefave: metal, metal-porcelain, full-porcelain, zircon; Bridges (when the teeth are on the side of the defect); Inlay, onlay, pinlay implants; Removable partial dentures. At Delia Dent you will find...
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Oral surgery is the branch of dentistry that deals with surgical interventions in the oral cavity. Unfortunately, when a tooth is impossible to save because it may be too damaged and a filling is impossible, it is forced to remove it. The most widespread surgery is the removal of wisdom teeth, the removal of retained teeth. The most frequent interventions performed are biopsies and extractions of the remaining teeth and roots. Tooth extraction is a routine intervention in oral surgery. At Delia Dent, it becomes possible to calm down and fully heal patients with abscesses and phlegmons of the teeth, with retained (retained) mature molars,...
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Endodontics - deals with the treatment of diseases of the dental pulp. This discipline includes a variety of procedures and skills that combine science with art
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Orthodontics is the special field of dentistry that corrects teeth and jaw alignment problems. It deals with the direction or movement of teeth improving the aesthetics and function of your teeth. Through orthodontic treatment, it becomes possible to straighten the teeth, to improve their aesthetic appearance, but also to facilitate the maintenance of dental hygiene, which is more difficult to maintain when the teeth are crooked. This treatment can be started in childhood, but also in adults.
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Dental implantology provides replacement of missing teeth with titanium artificial roots. The absence of one or more teeth generates aesthetic problems but also important problems related to occlusion and chewing, in some cases strongly changing the nutrition of the person without teeth, not allowing them to eat what they prefer by limiting their diet in fairly soft foods. Dental implantology represents the best solution for these problems, giving you fixed, strong teeth and, thanks to the use of the latest materials, also with an absolutely natural aesthetic appearance.
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What is pedodontics? Pedodontics is the branch of dentistry that takes care of children's teeth. Attention is paid to the prevention of tooth damage caused by caries through oral hygiene education, advice on proper diet, fluoride application and silanization of teeth.
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Therapy includes root canal treatment by the dentist. Once a scary experience for patients, but now with modern dental techniques, it has become one of the most common practices. Advanced decay, tooth fractures or gum disease damage the tooth and cause root canal symptoms such as root pain or tooth infection. Delia Dent, with a long experience in therapy, and through the use of the latest materials and techniques, makes it possible for you not to feel any kind of discomfort or discomfort after the tooth treatment.
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We all love beauty and no one would forget a perfect smile. Aesthetic Dentistry was born precisely to give you such a smile. It mainly focuses on improving dental aesthetics in color, position, shape, size, extension and the general appearance of your smile.
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