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Kompania Metal Nesimi është një kompani me 12 vite eksperiencë në fushën e konstruksioneve metalike. Kjo eksperiencë është fituar duke punuar në Europë, kryesisht në Greqi ku është marrë pjesë në ndërtimet e stadiumeve olimpike Athina 2004. Ne jemi të përkushtuar për të përmbushur standardet më të larta etike dhe profesionale, në harmoni me parimet e qëdrueshmërisë sociale, ekonomike dhe mjedisore. 
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Metal Nesimi company is a company with 12 years of experience in the field of metal constructions. This experience was gained by working in Europe, mainly in Greece, where he participated in the construction of the Athens 2004 Olympic stadiums. We are committed to meeting the highest ethical and professional standards, in harmony with the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
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Metal Nesimi company is a company with 12 years of experience in the field of metal constructions. This experience was gained by working in Europe, mainly in Greece, where he participated in the construction of the Athens 2004 Olympic stadiums. We are committed to meeting the highest ethical and professional standards, in harmony with the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
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Metal Nesimi company is a company with 12 years of experience in the field of metal constructions. This experience was gained by working in Europe, mainly in Greece, where he participated in the construction of the Athens 2004 Olympic stadiums. We are committed to meeting the highest ethical and professional standards, in harmony with the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
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Metal Nesimi company is a company with 12 years of experience in the field of metal constructions. This experience was gained by working in Europe, mainly in Greece, where he participated in the construction of the Athens 2004 Olympic stadiums. We are committed to meeting the highest ethical and professional standards, in harmony with the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
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Metal Nesimi company is a company with 12 years of experience in the field of metal constructions. This experience was gained by working in Europe, mainly in Greece, where he participated in the construction of the Athens 2004 Olympic stadiums. We are committed to meeting the highest ethical and professional standards, in harmony with the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
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Metal Nesimi company is a company with 12 years of experience in the field of metal constructions. This experience was gained by working in Europe, mainly in Greece, where he participated in the construction of the Athens 2004 Olympic stadiums. We are committed to meeting the highest ethical and professional standards, in harmony with the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
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Metal Nesimi company is a company with 12 years of experience in the field of metal constructions. This experience was gained by working in Europe, mainly in Greece, where he participated in the construction of the Athens 2004 Olympic stadiums. We are committed to meeting the highest ethical and professional standards, in harmony with the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
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SAT KONSTRUKSION has formed a professional working group of experienced electricians and installers who are trained in assembling structures metal and installation of photovoltaic panels.
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An important part of the project is the system configuration according to the appropriate parameters. The engineers of SAT CONSTRUCTION are certified for this service by the largest companies of inverter production.
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Prefabricated concrete products. Production and trading of inerts and other building materials and products. Selective fishing. Study, design, assessment, consultancy, monitoring, research, discovery, exploitation, processing and trade in import export of metal and construction minerals, rehabilitation of the environment after use, civil use of explosives on the surface and underground.
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Production and trading of construction materials such as bricks, decorative tiles, loose concrete products with concentrated joints, handicraft products, constructions of various types, etc.