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Professional teeth blanching

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Professional teeth blanching
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Teeth whitening is a very popular aesthetic procedure in dentistry, which helps to remove stains and discoloration from the teeth. The effectiveness of bleaching depends on several factors, including:

Food: Consumption of drinks and foods with pigments such as coffee, tea, red wine, chocolate and carrots can stain the teeth. Acidic foods such as lemons and oranges cause tooth erosion.

Tobacco: Nicotine stains the teeth, making them browner.

Age: Over time, tooth enamel thins, causing yellower dentin to become more visible.

Professional Bleaching Methods

Teeth whitening can be done at the clinic or at home. Intervention in the clinic is faster and requires one or two sessions, while the home method requires more time to achieve the desired effect.

Professional teeth whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide (15-35%) or carbamide peroxide, which remove stains through oxidation. Hydrogen peroxide is more powerful and is often used in clinics.

The Bleaching Process

Before starting whitening, tartar and soft deposits must be removed from the teeth. The procedure begins with the placement of a barrier to protect the gums. The teeth are then coated with the whitening material and left to act for about 20 minutes. Some materials require halogen light to speed up the process, while others can operate without it.

Bleaching Operation

Bleaching agents, such as hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, break down into oxygen radicals that penetrate the layers of the tooth and break down the colored molecules. These agents do not affect the structure of the teeth, but only their color, making them whiter.

Who Can Get Teeth Whitened?

Whitening should be performed by a dentist or dental professional on the dentist's recommendation. Bleaching procedures in beauty salons are illegal without the presence of a dental professional and can endanger your oral health. Home bleach kits can be dangerous too.

What Happens During Bleaching?

The procedure may require several visits over two months to monitor progress. The dentist will take a mold of your teeth to make a mouthguard and show you how to use it with the whitening gel. Laser whitening is another option that uses light to activate the whitening, and this procedure takes about an hour.

Preliminary Consultation

Before undergoing teeth whitening, it is important to have a consultation with our specialist dentists to identify any potential problems with the gums or other dental structures that may be affected by whitening.

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