I Care Dental Clinic
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Root canal treatment, otherwise known as endodontics, is one of the most delicate and difficult procedures in the field of dentistry. It requires a deep knowledge of anatomy, physiopathology, chemistry and physics, high manipulative skills and plenty of time to carefully treat slowly every mm length of the canal. In this procedure, the doctor removes the nerve (infected or degraded by inflammatory processes) and other debris from the canal, to prevent the infection from passing to other tissues around the root and the beginning of the abscess.

Why should an endodontic treatment be done?

The nerve of the tooth loses its vitality when its blood circulation or innervation is disturbed and this usually comes from visible deep caries. Another reason may be the fracture (breakage) of the crown of the tooth with opening of the pulp or the root of the tooth in an impact. strong. In some diseases of the body such as advanced diabetes or gum disease such as periodontitis, the disorder of blood circulation in the nerve comes from the infection of the surrounding tissues, although the tooth may not have caries. A tooth with a non-vital nerve that is left in the mouth for a long time without undergoing therapy, it can lead to the formation of infections around the root or abscesses, so timely treatment is very necessary.

When is the cannelure treatment needed?

If you have any of the following symptoms, then there is a good chance that you need root canal treatment.
Strong or moderate pain during the consumption of food or cold and hot liquids.
Strong or moderate pain during a vertical bite in a certain tooth.
Excessive sensitivity when pressing with a finger on a certain tooth.
Toothache that disrupts sleep at night.
A fistula in the gingiva below the tooth that bursts and bleeds and puss and recurs from time to time.
Pain that radiates (spreads) to other parts of the face (eye, ear, sinus, etc.)
The strong pain you experience during the ascent of the plane in a certain tooth,

How is the treatment of a canal carried out?

The nerve removal procedures are accompanied by anesthesia so that the patient does not have pain. Then it continues with the full opening of the tooth, isolation from saliva and with the necessary tools (such as needles) the removal of the nerve, processing and cleaning of the canal, rinsing with the relevant disinfectant solutions and finally filling and hermetically closing the channel.
Sometimes it is necessary to apply devitalizing pastes and the continuation of the processing of the canal goes to the second session. teeth with infected roots require longer procedures until they are healed.
The success of endodontic work is high hygiene, respect for asepsis and excessive care during mechanical processing by hand or with rotating instruments. In our clinic, endodontics takes an important place. We ensure maximum hygiene and green dentistry (dentistry without environmental pollution). All instruments are used only for one patient for the purpose of protection from cross contamination or the transfer of infectious diseases from one patient to another. For this reason, many of our work tools are single-use or they are carefully autoclaved. The packaging of the instruments proves their single use.

Enedent boasts the high quality of canal fillings and repeated success in the treatment of infected teeth. All of this is aided by the assistive technology of the apex locator, endomotor and obturation system.

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