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Dental Implants

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Dental Implants
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Painless Dental Implants - Computer Guided Implantology

Is it possible to place dental implants without pain? Today, painless implantology is a reality, thanks to advanced techniques and modern procedures that allow the placement of implants without incisions and sutures.

3D virtual intervention simulation

Today, with modern and sophisticated software, our specialists can plan the entire procedure and you can place the dental implants without pain.

Starting from a dental x-ray, the specialist, based on digital images and 3D observation of your jaw, can perform the operation more precisely and reliably.

These images allow the dentist to visualize the positioning of the implants, to insert them, with extreme precision, in areas of high bone density, thus eliminating any errors.

Painless dental implants: how are they placed?

Computer-guided implantology is a 3-step procedure:

A CT scan to produce a detailed 3D image of the bone structure of the jaw.
By studying the image with software, the specialist will evaluate the structure of the jaw and simulate the insertion of the implant and the prosthetic structure until the desired result is achieved.
The simulation file will allow the production of a specific surgical mask that will be applied to the patient's mouth, a kind of guide that the specialist will use to insert the implant, exactly as he planned on the computer.
Virtual simulation is the most important aspect of this technique, it allows us to have every detail of the operation to be performed, avoiding any risk for you and obtaining millimetric precision. Best of all, the simulation can be performed indefinitely, until the dentist achieves the desired result.

The benefits of computer-guided implantology

Undoubtedly, the biggest benefit to the patient is the painless placement of dental implants, which remains one of the main concerns of those who have to deal with implant treatments.

But using a program and simulation leads to a number of other benefits for the patient.

More accurate and precise and less invasive interventions.
Speed of intervention.
Reduction of intervention time.
Faster rehabilitation.
Elimination of errors.
Prevention of surgical risk.
Reduction of pain after surgery.
No stitches, no stitches, no swelling.

Implantology with immediate loading

By immediate load implantology, as the name itself suggests, we mean a technique that allows you to quickly fix crowns (teeth that replace lost natural ones) on implants. It usually takes about 72 hours.

Traditional dental implants involve the restoration of teeth after a period ranging from 3 to 6 months: this procedure has the disadvantage of leaving the patient toothless or with a removable prosthesis in the meantime.

An alternative to this procedure is immediate loading implantology: new dental implants are inserted after a significantly shorter time and can be subjected to the force of chewing without any problems. However, it may take a few days for the production of the fixed prosthesis.

Benefits of immediate load implantology

If this technique is suitable for the patient, immediate loading dental implants have several advantages. The first is obviously a minimal waiting time to receive the restoration of missing teeth.

Moreover, with this technique the patient will only have to undergo one operation instead of two, and having new functional teeth on the same day is certainly a convenient choice.

The gums adapt better to the crown: since it is placed directly on the implant, the gums adapt and grow around it, making the implant look like a natural tooth.

Immediate Loading Implantology: Step-by-Step Procedure

How is it possible to make a dental implant in just one day? Now we will explain in detail all the stages of implantology with immediate load.

The first step is a visit to the dentist: a consultation that will allow our specialist to learn about your dental and medical history through a series of questions.

Then there will be some diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, CT scan, a picture of the inside of the mouth. The results of these tests will give the specialist a general and complete picture of your dental situation and will be able to make a model of your teeth.

Now begins the surgical phase of implantology with immediate load: first anesthesia, which can also be local.

The specialist will place the implant post in your jaw. It's a pretty quick transition. He will then place the dental implant crown.

You may feel some pain as the anesthesia wears off, but your dentist will prescribe pain relievers and ice packs to reduce pain.

Immediate loading implantology: When is it possible?

If you have adequate mandibular and maxillary bone density and thickness and therefore bone reconstruction is not necessary for implant placement, you can always benefit from immediate loading.
In some cases you can benefit from this technique even if you need bone reconstruction for implant placement Before choosing this type of implantology, our specialist will carefully assess your situation and decide if you can benefit from it. Immediate loading implantology is an effective and functional technique, but it depends on the condition of your teeth if there are no favorable conditions for immediate loading, proper bone healing will not occur.

All the advantages of immediate loading implantology with computer-guided surgery

Fixing teeth in 72 hours: you can immediately return to smiling at friends and family and eating your favorite foods in their company.
Guaranteed success: Thanks to the special software, the surgeon will be able to simulate and plan your operation at every stage and operate with maximum safety.
Aesthetics: With immediate loading you will return to normal teeth in a very short time.
Painless, no incisions and no scars: Unlike traditional implantology, computer-guided surgery does not involve cutting and subsequent stitching of the gums for the insertion of implants.
Saving time and money: The treatment period with immediate loading is much shorter than with delayed loading implantology, as are recovery times which are almost instantaneous.
Ideal for diabetics and heart patients when performed with computer-guided implantology, an implantation technique that does not require the presence of incisions and sutures.

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