Dental Clinic Gega
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Elastic Prosthetics

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Elastic Prosthetics
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Elastic denture is a dental device used to replace missing teeth. It is made of elastic materials, such as thermoplastic polymers, which give the prosthesis a flexibility and a welcome shape to adapt to the patient's mouth and mouth structure. This makes it convenient and comfortable to use.

Elastic prostheses are relatively light in weight and have a more natural feel compared to other prostheses. They can be used to cover one or more missing teeth and are a popular choice for patients who prefer a more comfortable and unrestricted solution. Elastic dentures also offer good aesthetics, given that they are designed to match the color and shape of the patient's natural teeth.

In addition, another advantage of elastic dentures is that they can adjust and fit relatively easily if there is any change in the structure of the patient's mouth or the shape of their face. This makes it a flexible choice for patients who may need adjustment adjustments in the future.

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