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Colostrum Compact (liquid)

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Colostrum Compact (liquid)
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Colostrum - quick help to your immune system

From the milk of the first hours of posterity. For better results in everyday life, old age and in sports!

Colostrum is medicinal colostrum, the first real cow's milk. It is produced only a few hours after the birth of the calf, and supplies the newborn with all the necessary vitamins, enzymes and trace elements.

Exclusively from cows that are bred in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France

  • Without preservatives and chemical additives
  • Pure colostrum, fat free.
  • Not pasteurized: high quality and thorough processing chilled
  • The only product on the market with colostrum that has received a quality seal from the SGS Frezenius Institute
  • Colostrum is not a cure.

Colostrum, which is also called primary milk or colostrum, is milk that is produced by a cow in the first hours of the life of the offspring and is significantly different in composition from ordinary milk. Already at the end of the eighteenth century, physician Christophe V. Hufeland described the positive effect of colostrum on the health and growth of newborn calves. Today, it is known that primary milk helps the calf to survive, because the high concentration of immune factors and growth factors in the newborn provide the natural immunization of the microbes, bacteria and viruses (immunization of the calf) for the newborn, as well as ensure the growth of the calf and support its vitality.

Why can a person use cow colostrum? Since the colostrum of a cow and a man is almost identical in composition and the same pathogens act on a man and a cow, the cow's colostrum is no doubt useful for human health. At the same time, the cow’s colostrum contains millions of times more immune information than the human colostrum. In addition, the immune substances in the colostrum of a cow are contained in a concentration forty times higher than their content in human blood.

Production colostrum. Colostrum, intended for human consumption, is obtained exclusively from cows that are bred in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Only the excess colostrum released in the first 12 hours of life of the offspring is used, since it contains all the ingredients in the highest concentration. The patented gentle cold-production technology provides the maximum concentration of ingredients (as opposed to pasteurized colostrum products). By production of Kolostrum direct technology of gentle freeze-drying is used. Kolostrum direct is a 100% natural product that does not contain chemical additives and preservatives. The Kostrum Direct packaging is stamped with the “Fresenius Institute”. Colostrum is also suitable for people who are allergic to cow's milk protein, with a sensitive stomach and diabetes.

Colostrum provides direct protection for:

  • for all colds (ARVI);
  • with gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa);
  • with diseases involving loose stools.
  • Colostrum strengthens the immune system:
  • in an organism weakened after an illness or treatment (for example, minor side effects during chemotherapy);
  • with increased loads on the body, for example, in the winter, in stressful situations, during sports activities, when working with sick people (increased loads in sports and professional activities).

Colostrum regulates the immune system:

  • inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal mycosis, infectious diarrhea);
  • restoration of a healthy intestinal mucosa with allergies (for example, with pollen allergy) decreases sensitivity to allergens;
  • in autoimmune diseases (for example, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, AIDS).

Due to the maintenance of growth factors, Colostrum improves the condition of the body in terms of:

  • improving results in sports in a natural way (improving lipid metabolism, improving muscle tissue regeneration);
  • regeneration and formation of tissues (cartilage and bone tissue) - stimulation of collagen synthesis in the skin ("anti-aging effect").

Action expected effect of the use of Colostrum: The immunoglobulins contained in the Colostrum, growth factors and immunoregulators protect, strengthen and regulate our immune system. In addition, they support the regeneration of our body. As a rich source of free amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, Colostrum supports and improves digestion and metabolism at the cellular level. Liquid "Kolostrum direct" is used as a first aid when symptoms of the disease appear. It is taken 1-2 tablespoons per day in pure form or mixed with cold juice.

The main purpose of receiving Colostrum is an immediate effect on the immune system and the strengthening or harmonization of the body's ability to heal itself. At the same time, a weak, depleted organism is more sensitive to the effects of Colostrum. According to a study conducted by Italian scientists (Cerasone 2005), Colostrum is 3-5 times more effective than the usual flu vaccine.

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