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Aesthetic dentistry, also known as cosmetic dentistry, focuses on improving the appearance of a person's teeth, smile, and overall dental aesthetics. It involves various procedures and treatments aimed at enhancing the color, shape, size, alignment, and overall attractiveness of the teeth and smile. Aesthetic dentistry encompasses a wide range of services, including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental bonding, tooth-colored fillings, dental crowns, dental implants, orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners, gum contouring, and smile makeovers. These procedures are tailored to each individual's unique needs and desires,...
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Kombucha is an ancient drink originating in China, made by fermenting sweetened tea with the help of a colony of bacteria and yeast known as a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast). The benefits of Kombucha are huge. First, it is an excellent source of probiotics, beneficial microorganisms that help balance gut flora and strengthen the immune system. Additionally, this fermented beverage is rich in enzymes, B vitamins, antioxidants, and organic acids, which can help detoxify the body, improve digestion, and even promote mental health.
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Milk kefir, kefir mushroom or Tibetan mushroom are all names for the same product. Many consider it almost a medicine, fighting a number of diseases, creating an ideal figure and improving the condition of the skin and hair. The discovery of a mushroom compound and its properties is attributed to Tibetan monks At one point, the monks noticed that yogurt, cooked in different containers, differed not only in taste, but also in consistency and properties. The one cooked in unwashed pots was thicker, it had a unique effect on the body. Monks, who consumed this food to normalize digestion, saw surprising effects. They...
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Dental crown Dental crowns are prosthetic caps placed over teeth to restore their shape, size and function. To make a dental crown we take an impression of the affected dental arch, then the tooth will be filled to fit the crown. First, before we make the final crown, we insert a temporary one, with which you can chew without problems.   When you need a dental crown There may be several cases in which you may need dental crowns: Root canal treatment: If you have a tooth affected by deep decay that cannot be healed with a simple filling, then that tooth must be devitalized. A crown will then be placed on it....