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Smart wireless car mount for mobile phone Equipped with a smart frontal sensor, which activates the telescopic clamps when the device is near. At the same time, it has a touch sensor on the back that helps to remove the arms and remove the phone from the charger. It connects perfectly to the ventilation grid, offers an innovative design, being made of the best quality materials. Power: 10W / 7.5W / 5W automatic identification depending on the device Signal transmission distance: 8 mm max. Dimensions: 17.5 cm * 11.5 cm * 7.5 cm How it works: Mount the charger on the air grill, connect the usb wire to the car cigarette lighter. The phone...
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Reconstructive periodontal surgery Periodontal bone surgery is necessary to treat bone defects and is divided into reconstructive and resective surgery. Send us a dental overview to receive a rough QUOTE. • – Reconstruction of bone including membrane and biocompatible material • – Large sinus lift including membrane, plus first-class biocompatible material • – Mini sinus lift including membrane, plus first-class biocompatible material • – Tooth reconstruction with post abutment • – Apical resection • – PRF
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What Are Dental Veneers? If you have discolored, yellowed or chipped teeth, now you can solve the problem and go back to having a white smile without any imperfections thanks to aesthetic dental veneers. Dental veneers are very fine shells made of porcelain, used on the front area of the teeth of the upper arch to conceal defects in the shape, position, color and size of the teeth. Similar to false nails in their delicacy and finesse (they are less than 1 millimeter thick), thanks to this thinness they appear transparent against the light and have a natural appearance. They are defined as real dental prostheses, since, once...
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Pain-free dental implants - Computer guided implantology Today painless implantology is a reality, thanks to advanced techniques and modern procedures that allow the insertion of implants without cuts and stitches. 3D virtual simulation of the intervention Today, with modern and sophisticated software, our specialists can plan the entire procedure and you can have the insertion of dental implants without pain. Starting with a dental X-ray, the specialist, based on digital images and 3D observation of your jaw, can perform the surgery more accurately and reliably. These images allow the dentist to visualize the...
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Dental crowns Dental crowns are prosthetic capsules placed over the teeth to restore their shape, size and function. To make a dental crown we take the impression of the dental arch concerned, then the tooth will be filed to be able to adapt the crown. Initially, before making the definitive crown, we insert a temporary one, with which you can chew without problems. The Materials of Dental Crowns What material to choose for the crowns? Metal ceramic, simple ceramic, semi-noble ceramic or zirconium? The choice is obviously linked to your budget and your wishes. Zirconium crowns are currently the best solution for...
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Set of 2 x Screen magnifier with 3D effect for mobile phones Tired of watching movies or playing video games on a small screen? Do you want to enjoy your favorite mobile game on a bigger screen? With the Image Amplification Screen you don't have to worry anymore! One device – a variety of activities! It works for any type of smartphone, regardless of its screen size! The Image Amplification Screen can be used to enlarge images, movies and even video games, thus protecting your eyes and rendering a better quality! This revolutionary product is a patented invention from the United States, which arrived in Romania for the first...
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Invisalign orthodontics Why choose orthodontics in Albania? Thanks to our orthodontic treatments you will be able to correct any dental defect: chipped, crooked, badly positioned or more than normal teeth, jaw bones that are too large or small. These anomalies, in addition to causing aesthetic and chewing problems, increase the risk of pyorrhea, because they make dental hygiene more difficult. Our dentists, specialized in orthodontics, will correct your dental problems, restoring your smile and perfect chewing. In general, the goals of orthodontics are: 1. Ensure proper alignment of teeth 2. Improve chewing...
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Root canal treatment and root canal therapy Endodontic therapies, also called root canal treatments or root canal treatments, are treatments aimed at saving an infected tooth from being extracted. Send us a dental overview to receive a rough estimate. • – Devitalization and root canal therapy in single-rooted tooth • – Devitalization and root canal therapy in bi-rooted tooth • – Devitalization and root canal therapy in a three-rooted tooth
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Iphone 7 Plus.A+.LCD 10W 10BL
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Iphone 11 Pro Max.A+.LCD
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Iphone 5.A+.lcd screen 5WT 5BL
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Iphone 11 Pro.A+.LCD BL
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J7 2016.A+.LCD 1BL
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Iphone 6 Plus.A+.LCD 5W 5B
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Iphone Xr Xr.A+.LCD BL
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Redmi Note 9.A+.LCD
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Redmi Note 4X.A+.LCD
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Iphone 7.A+.LCD 10W 10 BL
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Charger Adopter.2A To 3A
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Sam J3 2017.A+.LCD G3 B3
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Iphone X.A+.LCD 10BL
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Iphone 6S.A+.LCD SC 10W 10B
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J5 2016.A+.LCD W2 B2
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Iphone 6S Plus.A+.LCD 10W 10 BL
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A5 2015..LCD W1
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Samsung.A32 4G
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Super concentrated active chlorine sanitizing detergent. Particularly indicated for the cleaning of bathrooms, and showers and locker rooms. High cleaning and whitening capability.

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Redmi Note 8 Pro.A+.LCD
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Iphone Xs.A+.LCD BL
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Iphone 8 Plus.A+.LCD 10W 10B
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Iphone 4S.A+.LCD
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Redmi 5A.A+.LCD
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Redmi 7/7A.A+.LCD
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Iphone 11.A+.LCD BL
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Redmi 5.A+.LCD
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Redmi Note 9 Pro.A+.LCD
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Iphone Xs Max.A+.LCD BL
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Iphone 8.A+.LCD 10W 10BL